Encouraging thought leadership & business excellence
building the future of New Europe

All news & events for: Reavis

2017 Shortlist

We’re pleased to announce this year’s CEEQA Short List in all categories following the first round of judging. Shortlisted candidates in each category were put forward to the final round of judging, thew winners were announced at the 2017...

From ‘Future Office’ to Musical Chairs

Insight Summit — CEEQA@Mipim, 5pm, 15th March 2016, Verrière Grand Audi, Palais des Festivals (Level 1), Cannes What does the office of the future look like, and what does it have to do with challenges and opportunities in the New Europe office...

2015 CEEQA Review

Making waves on the big stage Following a dynamic year for the New Europe property sector − driven arguably by a magical conflux of international and regional trends driving a sharp upswing in project completions and acquisitions marked also by a steep...

Cee Markets:

Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine

See Markets:

Albania, Bosnia & Hercegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia

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